When ‘I’ Decide

“Mom….dad…what next?”
“We dont know.”
“Ok. I will decide.”


“Study hard Varun. This tenth examination is going to decide your future”.

Varun is a good student but he is not a book worm. He is not allowed to get out of his study room when he returns from school. At weekends he couldn’t play cricket or football with his neighbours. “How could our son play with those filthy uneducated creatures”, his parents used to remark.

“He must take Bio-maths Everybody is taking Bio-maths”,they decided once again.

Varun’s parents love him. They give him food,clothes,shelter,love ,care and EDUCATION.

“Our child must get the best of everything. We shall select the best institution for him. We have to make his life,future and job secure. Afterall he is the one who is going to look after us. We are to decide his future.Take engineering Varun. The companies are waiting for engineers.”

Tenth- full A+
Plus two- 100%
Engineering- gang fights, suspension, 13 supplementary exams.

“Mom….dad…what next?”
“We dont know.”
“Ok. I will decide.”

Cleared all supplementary exams.

CAT,MAT,XAT,NMAT. scored well.

Interview board for MBA admissions Rajagiri, Eranakulam.
“Poor history. 13 supplementary papers. No room for you.”

Interview board for MBA admissions PSG Coimbatore.
“Sorry, a candidate with 13 supplentary papers is not acceptable”.

Interview board for MBA admissions Christ University Bangalore.
“Mr. Varun. If you dont get admission for MBA then what next? What is your plan B?”

“Sir, for me MBA is not a plan its an aim and I belive that an aim is something which is to be achived and to achive that I have plan A,B and C. Plan A is christ university. plan B was PSG Coimbatur and plan C was Rajagiri ,Eranakulam.

“Well, then go for plan A”.

8 thoughts on “When ‘I’ Decide”

    1. Yes. Though they mean to provide us with the best life possible, being somewhere we don’t belong to feels like hell. So they should be given the chance to decide as they only know what suits them best. Thank you for sharing your thoughts😊 made our day 😇

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